An aid campaign was launched for the Eyyub Sultan Mosque and Complex, which is under construction in Strasbourg, France. The donation campain aims to reach as much as 5 million donors. Anyone can participate in the campain with a minimum amount of 5 Euros. The mosque, is being built at the heart of Europe and represent the Islamic civilization with its religious and civil architecture. The project has been initiated and is being Carried by the Islamic Confederation Millî Görüş East France(CIMG).
Kemal Ergün, President of the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (IGMG), who supports the campaign, stated that they aim to reach one million people between two holidays for Strasbourg Eyyub Sultan complex, which will be one of the most precious complexes in Europe. In der von ihm veröffentlichten Videobotschaft lud er alle Menschen in der Ganzen Welt auf sich an die Spendeaktion zu beteiligen.
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